Privát Wanesa Brno
Incall apartment Brno
Ahoj pánové jmenuji se Vanessa a těším se na Vás ve svém útulném bytečku. Nepouštím stopky, takže se Ti můžu věnovat bez toho abychom koukaly na hodinky :)
Privát Wanesa Brno (Incall apartment) is located at Brno show location on
Call at the following times: Non-Stop
The following facilities are available: Showers, Air conditioning
To contact Privát Wanesa Brno, call +420 704 715 598 or
This page was updated 21.1.2015 (change of photos) and has been online since 12.11.2014
Call at the following times: Non-Stop
The following facilities are available: Showers, Air conditioning
To contact Privát Wanesa Brno, call +420 704 715 598 or
This page was updated 21.1.2015 (change of photos) and has been online since 12.11.2014