Privát Katka Brno

Incall apartment Brno
Privát Katka Brno
I'll be your sweet lover and your sexy wild thing....just whisper your fantasies to masseuse offers professional services in the privacy of her own home. I'll massage you from your ears to the tips of your toes. The delightful warmth of my hands will release your stress and tension from your everyday hustle and bustle and completely relax you. I love caressing, oral, classic, and we can even agree on oral without protection. Couples welcome. Mon-Fri, Sat on agreement.
Privát Katka Brno (Incall apartment) is located at Brno show location on
Call at the following times: Non-Stop
To contact Privát Katka Brno, call +420 774 363 472

This page was updated 7.4.2015 (change of text or data) and has been online since 19.5.2010


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