Lesbické milování
Incall apartment Praha 3
Let us arouse you with our gentle caressing. You can see for yourself that only a woman knows where to touch another woman. When you are excited as much as you have never been, you can join us and make love to us, or let us blow you. How many times can you ejaculate? Once and very strong or repeatedly? Maybe our touches will excite you more than you can imagine. Come and learn what the love of two women feels like.
Lesbické milování (Incall apartment) is located at Praha 3 show location on mapy.sex.cz
Call at the following times: Non-Stop
While here, you can enjoy the following program: Lesbi Show
The following facilities are available: Showers
To contact Lesbické milování, call +420 602 141 405
This page was updated 17.1.2015 (change of text or data) and has been online since 31.10.2001
Call at the following times: Non-Stop
While here, you can enjoy the following program: Lesbi Show
The following facilities are available: Showers
To contact Lesbické milování, call +420 602 141 405
This page was updated 17.1.2015 (change of text or data) and has been online since 31.10.2001